Netflix’s Ted Bundy Doc has us remembering when he was arrested on Cervantes in Pensacola

If you haven’t watched the new Netflix’s special “Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes” then you should watch the trailer…

Downright scary.

So with this documentary getting millions of onlookers through Netflix (some of which even went so far as to point out how good looking Bundy is…ew) we thought it would be interesting to re-visit when Bundy was arrested on Cervantes Street here in Pensacola over 40 years ago. February 15, 1968 at 1a.m. Ted Bundy was pulling out of Oscar’s Restaurant in his Orange VW Bug when one of Pensacola’s finest, Officer David Lee witnessed him pull out of the parking lot. WEAR detailed some of the behind the scenes of the arrest of Ted Bundy as he was getting ready to leave Pensacola and head to Mobile. Check out WEAR 3’s full report here and check out some of the other videos we found below!

“I’m not an animal and I’m not crazy… I’m just a normal individual.” – Ted Bundy



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